

The funds’ return and size

Dansk Vækstkapital III invests in unlisted funds with a view to achieving a competitive and double-digit return for the combined portfolio of funds.

The funds need to be of a size – and have critical mass – that makes them commercially viable, building upon the existing skills of established fund managers who possess specialist knowledge. Therefore, the required minimum fund size is usually DKK 400-500 million (EUR 54-70 million).

This minimum requirement may on the grounds of return, in certain situations be waived, for instance regarding sector specific investments.

Requirements of fund managers
Dansk Vækstkapital II invests in funds that focus on growth companies to which the fund managers actively contribute with value creation.

The fund managers must have extensive field-specific experience corresponding to the scope stipulated in the fund’s investment strategy. Furthermore, the managers must have a proven track record regarding value creation and generating return. Dansk Vækstkapital II always conducts its own independent due diligence.

Responsible investments
The funds must adhere to fundamental social and ethical principles in relation to their investments and focus on UNs global goals for sustainability.



In order to be eligible for funding, certain criteria need to be met. A Private Placement Memorandum must be submitted to Dansk Vækstkapital III.


Please note that Dansk Vækstkapital III has a CSR policy that is based on the principles set out in the UN Global Compact initiative and the UN Principles for Responsible Investments (UNPRI).