

Investor and manager at Berge Holding ApS and Industri Invest Herning A/S. Chairman of the board of Carnad A/S, Freja Transport & Logistics A/S, Lilleheden A/S og datterselskab, Palsgaard Spær A/S og datterselskab, J-Coating A/S, Vestergaard Huse A/S, Melvin Robotics ApS and Træfonden. Vice-chairman of Junckers Industrier A/S. Member of the board of Lindenborg Gods A/S and the subsidiary company Rold Skov Savværk A/S, RC Beton A/S, Tvilum A/S, Plus A/S, SEEK4CARS A/S and Dansk Vækstkapital Komplementar ApS.

From 1983 until 2007 Asbjørn Berge was employed with and was a shareholder at Vest-Wood A/S (presently Jeld-Wen A/S), where he was the Managing Director for a number of years. He is member of the board of Træ- og Møbelindustrien (TMI, part of DI – Danish Confederation of Industries) as well as a former board member of Dansk Industri (DI) (Danish Confederation of Industries). Asbjørn Berge has acted as a professional board member since 2007.